All Compressed Air System Product Internal Condensate that must be Drained away. If System not Drained Regularly Oil and Water Can Cause Damage to the Equipment down time and product failure. The ideal solution for regular effective draining oil & moisture from compressed Air system is Air Equipments Auto Drain Value.
"Save Air" save Compressed Air at the time of Drain. "Save Air" have LED signal "Power On" and "Drain Open". At Drain duration time the three way valve one port should be closed by Pilot air and the same time the condensed water and Oil particles Stored in SS Bowl will drain at other Port Without Air Loss.
Automobile Industries, Cement Industries, Chemical Plants, CNC Machine Shops, Foundries, Food Processing Units, Garment Units, General Engineering, Pharmaceuticals, Painting Units, Paper Mills, Packaging Units, Power Coating Units, Pet Bottle Units, Rice Mills, Sugar Industries, Textile Processing Units